Historic Move: Kabir Nath becomes first Assamese in andorra's Top football league

Historic achievement for Indian football

May 23, 2024 - 13:28
Historic Move: Kabir Nath becomes first Assamese in andorra's Top football league
Historic Move: Kabir Nath becomes first Assamese in andorra's Top football league

23-year-old Assamese footballer, Kabir Nath, has been signed by CF Atletic America to play in the first division league of Andorra this season.

He becomes the only Indian to play in the first division of European leagues. Kabir has been training in Spain for the past nine years, sharping his skills for this significant milestone.

Kabir's journey to European football began at a young age when he moved to Spain to pursue his passion for the sport.

His dedication and hard work have paid off, culminating in this historic signing. Kabir's inclusion in CF ATELETIC AMERICA marks a significant milestone not only for him but also for Indian football, showcasing the potential of Indian players on an international stage.

The club's spokesperson expressed excitement over Kabir's signing, highlighting his impressive skills and potential to make a substantial impact in the league.

This opportunity is expected to pave the way for more Indian footballers to explore opportunities in European leagues.

Kabir shared his enthusiasm and gratitude for the support he has received throughout his journey. He emphasized the importance of this achievement for aspiring footballers in India, hoping to inspire more young talents to pursue their dreams in international football.

This remarkable achievement reflects the growing influence of Indian players in global sports and underscores the effectiveness of rigorous training and dedication in achieving success.

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